Donald Trump Says . . .

“FAITH & FREEDOM COALITION is on the frontline for the defense of Christians and people of faith in America today.  What a job they do!”


Full Quote on what Donald Trump says about FAITH & FREEDOM . . .

“Ralph, I want to thank you for your extraordinary leadership and unyielding commitment to our values. . . . I am thrilled to be back with so many proud, hard-working patriots who love our country, cherish our history, and who live by those timeless words of our national motto: IN GOD WE TRUST . . .

FAITH & FREEDOM COALITION is on the frontline for the defense of Christians and people of faith in America today.  What a job they do! 

It really is an incredible thing that they’ve done.  And when you look at this audience, and people outside trying to get it.  They’re not going to make it.

No organization worked harder in 2016, and in 2018, and in 2020.  No group is working harder right now to deliver a landslide victory this November.

I think we’re going to have numbers like perhaps they’ve never seen before.  Over the next 145 days, you will knock on an astounding 8 MILLION doors of Christian and pro-life households in 27 states, reaching 15 MILLION voters.  In addition, you will make 10 MILLION phone calls, send 25 MILLION text messages, and distribute VOTER GUIDES to an astounding 100,000 churches.  That’s a lot of churches!

With your help, we’re going to ensure the biggest turnout in midterm election history.”

NOTE: This was Donald Trump’s 7th appearance at FAITH & FREEDOM’s annual conference . . . because he knows that generating record-smashing Christian voter turnout is key to victory in elections and for defending your Christian rights and values.

The post Donald Trump Says . . . appeared first on Faith and Freedom Coalition.

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